Title: "The Fateful Trip: Burchfeild, Lankes, and Schwanekamp
Theme: This exhibit shows Buffalo in the early 1900's
Type of lighting: Track lighting on the ceiling giving natural light to the gallery, lights pointed at the art on the walls
Colors on walls: White/off-white
What materials are used in the interior architecture of the space?: the walls are placed at angles, giving a more artistic feel to the room.
How is the movement of the viewer through the gallery space?: Very open, art is along all of the walls and allows viewers to move through easily.
How are the artworks organized?: They are all at eye level, organized by artist.
How are the artworks similar?: They seem to all be nature scenes, both landscapes and people.
How are the artworks different?: They are different styles, sizes, and media.
How are the artworks framed?: They are mostly all in wooden rectangular frames of various colors.
How are the artworks identified and labeled?: There are plaques next to each each artwork with it's information on it.
What is the proximity of the artwork to each other?: They are about 1-3ft apart, smaller pieces are closer and larger are further apart.
Art Criticism
1. Artist: Charles Burchfeild
Title: Genesis
Media: Watercolor, gauche, and charcoal on paper
Date: 1924
This piece shows a scene of stormy looking clouds above a rough seas with mountains. There is a lot of emotion with the dark clouds against the light sky and water. Principles and elements of bold lines and brush strokes, bold colors and contrast are used. This reminds me possible of the creation of earth as described in the christian bible and as the name implies.
2. Artist: J. J. Lankes
Title: Buffalo Harbor (Blackwell Canal)
Media: Wood engraving on paper
Date: 1922
This shows a scene of a boat moving through a body of water next to a large building. It has a very industrial feel to it. The principles and elements of line contrast and shape are used. Before I saw the title, it reminded me of the big boat that used to be docked next to one of the abandoned factories on the way into downtown Buffalo from the southtowns. Now I know that it is something just like that, but back in the day when Buffalo was the industrial center.
3. Artist: J. J. Lankes
Title: W. J. Schwanekamp's Portrait
Media: Charcoal on paper
Date: 1912
This shows a scene of a young man sitting on a chair with his foot on a stool, either reading or writing on his knee. He is wearing dress slacks and a shirt with a tie or scarf. This uses line, value, and shape. When first looking at this piece it reminded me of a young man in the military, possibly writing a letter to home or reading one. However, the title says it is a portrait of W.J. Schwanekamp. Maybe he was sketching or just enjoyed reading.
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